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Safe space created for patients

The interior of the clinic perfectly takes into account the needs of patients,
and the level of safety that meets all international standards.

Patient safety systems in LEDAS
Safe treatment environment with 0% infection rate through thorough infection control

  • 손위생

    1. Hand hygiene

    All medical staff thoroughly wash/disinfect hands in all processes before medical treatment

  • 정확한 환자 확인 실시

    2. Accurate patient identification

    Thorough double check of patients throughout the entire process of diagnosis and treatment

  • 소독 멸균 시스템 운영

    3. Disinfection sterilization system operation

    ① Autoclave sterilization
          A safe disinfection method that is non-toxic and has fast penetrating power
    ② Confirmation of biological sterilization
          Biological Testing Methods to Confirm Sterility
    ③ Sterilization and purification of air through Virus Killer

  • 감염예방 및 추적

    4. Infection prevention and tracking

    To prevent infection, a disposable laser catheter and syringe are used, and a disposable personal laser fiber with an indicated unique patient number is provided to all patients

    ① Execution of the principle of prohibiting reuse of disposable products
    ② In case of an infection problem, it is possible to trace the origin

  • 안전한 약물 관리

    5. Safe drug management

    ① Goal of 0% medication error
    ② Regular drug efficacy tests and equipment inspections

  • 감염관리 직무교육

    6. Infection control training for staff

    Knowledge of the infection control manual through on-the-job training and maintenance of 0% errors

  • 자동심장제세동기(AED) 구비

    7. Equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED)

    ① Arrangement of an AED in the clinic
    ② Medical staff with ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) qualifications
    ③ CPR training for all employees

  • 공기 살균정화기

    8. Air sterilization purifier

    Virus Killer system is always running

  • CESCO Member

    9. CESCO Member

    Disinfection of the premises to prevent the spread of infectious diseases