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Hand veins

Specialists often refer to protruding veins on the back of the arm and hand as “unwanted veins.” Most often, they do not indicate any disease, but due to their appearance they can cause discomfort to their owner. Getting rid of these veins is purely a cosmetic procedure, but there are cases where the veins are protruding due to a condition that requires medical attention.
To relieve the patient not only from the cosmetic problem, but also from the worries associated with it, the LEDAS varicose vein clinic treats unwanted hand veins.

What are unwanted hand veins?

A condition in which the veins on the back of the hand protrude heavily from the surface of the skin due to a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat and elasticity of the skin.
This condition is more correctly called angiectasia rather than varicose veins.

Treatment of hand veins at LEDAS

1. Accurate ultrasound examination of the saphenous veins
Are enlarged veins on the back of the hand a sign of aging or are they accompanied by pathological reflux or venous malformation? The decision on the need for the procedure is made based on the results of ultrasound of the saphenous veins.

2.Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (injection therapy)
The procedure is carried out by carefully controlling the concentration of the medicine, suitable for the back of the hand, without leaving scars. The procedure time is short, so it can be performed without special preparation or disruption to your daily routine.

Any treatment may have side effects. Consultation with a specialist is necessary!